Saturday, September 14, 2013

Time Magazine Covers US, Europe/Middle East, Asia, and South Pacific Edition

Time Magazine understands its various target audiences and this is probably also a microcosm of US foreign policy reporting more broadly and perhaps the reason why the general public has no real desire to understand the foreign policy challenges we face.  And of course  the only foreign policy views the public gets are in their own echo chamber from the pundits of their respective political party views.

But I digress and apologize for getting off topic:  Are you ready for some football?


Read more:,9263,7601130916,00.html#ixzz2eukgVBVR

1 comment:

  1. It's not just that Time put the Syria/Russia story on its front cover but didn't think the US audience wanted to read about that. It's that they trashed the US in the process (maybe unfairly, maybe not), but were too cowardly to do the same in the US. At the same time, it was also Time Magazine running interference for a stumbling Obama administration. I'm not sure if its their cowardice or their partisan mendacity that makes me angrier.


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