Tuesday, October 20, 2015

INFOGRAPHIC: The Geopolitical Implications of Korean Unification

Thanks to CNAS.

Some interesting and important information.  A good summary of some of the key ideas surrounding Korean unification.

I think this new name should be the unification theme:  "UROK"  (pronounced of course as "You Rock.")

I think there is a typo below in the penultimate information box: 
 The UROK would need to have a major military presence in Northern Korea to combat counterinsurgency campaigns...

I think it is meant to read either "combat insurgency" or "conduct counterinsurgency campaigns."  But we should recognize that resistance among the Korean people living in the north could be one of the biggest obstacles to unification.  This is why I argue that we (the ROK with the support of the ROK/US alliance) need to work on co-opting the potential resistance among the Korean people living in the north now and focusing it against the Kim Family Regime so that it will not focus on the UROK. See the article at this link.  https://www.kinu.or.kr/servlet/Download?num=1001&fno=1049&bid=DATA03&callback=http://www.kinu.or.kr/eng/pub/pub_03_01.jsp&ses=

INFOGRAPHIC: The Geopolitical Implications of Korean Unification

  • OCTOBER 16, 2015
  • Center for a New American Security

1 comment:

  1. Is it likely that a unified Korea would turn pro-China (PRC)? Korean nationalism is a potent force, nourished, no doubt, by South Korea's remarkable economic growth following the '88 Olympics. Given Korea's history with China and Japan, it seems more likely that a unified Korea would shun any perception of being pro-China. Rather, given North Korea's dependence on the PRC and South Korea's allegiance with the United States, a more likely scenario may be a unified Korea that asserts its independence by actively shunning any foreign influence, while seeking to maximize its economic strength by offloading lower paying jobs to Koreans in the north (a topic that merits its own discussion) and increasing its share of key markets by offering low-cost, but high quality products. Militarily, a unified Korea would immediately become a threat to both China and Japan, although less so to China, which has historically been very concerned about militarily powerful nations on its borders.


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