Arsenal of Terror: North Korea, State Sponsor of Terrorism
The report can be accessed at this link:
Key quote:
According to Nicholas Eberstadt, HRNK Board member and Henry Wendt Scholar in Political Economy, American Enterprise Institute (AEI), "Joshua Stanton's careful and meticulously documented study provides broad and compelling evidence that the DPRK continues to operate as a state sponsor of international terror. The facts he marshals are deeply disturbing—and also diplomatically inconvenient for those who wish for Washington to continue its "de-listing" of North Korea as a designated and sanctioned State Sponsor of Terror.”“Stanton's study will surely invite further discussion of how the U.S. government and the international community should respond to Pyongyang's violations—and it will also most admirably help clarify thinking about the sorts of abhorrent actions that should be regarded as "terrorism" by civilized nations," says Eberstadt.
Joshua Stanton
Apr 27, 2015
Read Summary Download PDF
On April 27, 2015, HRNK releases their report, Arsenal of Terror: North Korea, State Sponsor of Terrorism by Joshua Stanton at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C. Please click here to view the press release.
Empty marching in Korea
Wise words that I doubt Ms. Steinem will heed. Instead she and her group will become Pyongyang propaganda pawns.
We desperately need the voices of feminists protesting the murder, torture and exploitation of North Korean women by their own government. But any sanctioning of a peace march by North Korea can be nothing but human rights theater intended to cover up its death camps and crimes against humanity.Steinem is no Dennis Rodman, and that’s a good thing. She has earned the respect of millions by standing up for the rights of women for decades. But that’s what makes the current plan all the more outrageous and dangerous.We urge Steinem and anyone else seeking to shake up the status quo on the Korean peninsula to march not from Pyongyang to the DMZ but instead to stage a protest at China’s border with North Korea, which so many North Koreans attempt to cross in a desperate bid to escape their repression. It may not yield immediate results, but it would put Pyongyang on notice that the vanguards of international civil society stand in solidarity with the abused, not the abusers.
Congress’ Flabby Defense Budgets Aren’t Entirely
Lawmakers’ Fault
How about this? Someone actually tried to conduct a budget analysis using the National Security Strategy
SOCOM fields new hemorrhage-
halting blood sponges
By Kyle Jahner, Staff writer9:59 a.m. EDT April 26, 2015
Geography and World Power at 100
An important work of geopolitics was written 100 years ago.
Continued at this link:
Deep Support in Washington
for C.I.A.’s Drone Missions
Continued at this link:
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